2020 Adult Redeploy Illinois All-Sites Summit: Ten Years of Transformation
About the Summit
Please join us for the 2019 Adult Redeploy Illinois & Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils Summit, in Bloomington, May 14-15, 2019.
Hosted by Adult Redeploy Illinois, the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, and Loyola University’s Center for Criminal Justice Research, Policy, and Practice, the Summit will bring together multi-disciplinary team members from counties and judicial circuits operating or interested in developing CJCCs and ARI-funded local prison diversion programs. Serving as both the eighth annual ARI All-Sites Summit and the third convening of CJCCs from around the state, the event will provide rich opportunities for mutual learning and foster coordinated decision-making.
Day 1, the afternoon of Tuesday, May 14, will feature separate ARI and CJCC tracks focused on technical assistance and dialogue. There will be a networking reception following Tuesday’s program. Day 2, Wednesday, May 15, will be a full-day agenda exploring critical issues at the intersection of behavioral health and justice, including an inspiring keynote presentation and topical break-out sessions. The intended audience is a spectrum of ARI and CJCC site representatives including but not limited to judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, treatment providers, probation staff and supervisors, law enforcement, program coordinators, researchers, program partners, and policymakers.
About Adult Redeploy Illinois
Adult Redeploy Illinois is a state grant program supporting local efforts to divert individuals from prison to more effective and less expensive community-based supervision and services.
ARI sites use grant funds to design and implement programs that address individuals’ risks and needs and leverage their assets (family support, employment) to improve public safety and personal outcomes. ARI has grown from five initial pilot sites in early 2011, to the current 26 sites implementing about 50 programs covering 42 Illinois counties (as of March 2019).
There are no registration costs for the event; however, all participants must register for the Summit. For those participants representing ARI programs, it is suggested that you confirm participation with your ARI program contact before registering.
For existing ARI sites, mileage, lodging and per diem should be covered in local program budgets.
ARI participants must make lodging reservations on their own or through their ARI-funded programs. Up to five CJCC participants from each partner county will have their lodging and travel convered by Loyola University.
The DoubleTree has set aside a block of rooms for the night of Tuesday, May 14. Reservations should be made by April 22, 2019 to ensure access to the state rate. Ask for the "Illinois Criminal Justice Authority" (code "ICJ") room block when making reservations at 1-309-664-6446, or use this link: DoubleTree by Hilton.
Expected start time is 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 14. The Wednesday, May 15, program will start at 8:30 a.m. Registration will be open one hour before the start of sessions both days.
Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided on Wednesday. A networking reception is planned following sessions on Tuesday evening.
The Summit will conclude by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15.
The 2019 ARI-CJCC Summit will focus on the practical advantages and challenges associated with coordinating across the criminal justice system to address significant problems. The Summit will include skills-building sessions on strategic planning and implementing data-driven programs, offer grants technical assistance, and facilitate discussions among sites focused on expanding impact.
For more information, contact gail.smith@illinois.gov, Policy and Program Coordinator, Adult Redeploy Illinois.
Summit Resources
Understanding the Use of Prison versus Probation
- David Olson, PhD, Professor, Loyola University Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology; Co-Director, Center for Criminal Justice Research, Policy and Practice
- Anita Bazile-Sawyer, PhD, Chief of Programs & Support Services, Illinois Department of Corrections
- Richard Adkins, MPA, Assistant Director, Administrative Office of Illinois Courts
Download: Understading_the_Use_of_Prison_Versus_Probation.pdf
Strategies for Jail Reduction
- Rebecca Barboza, LCSW, Project Director, Cook County Safety and Justice Challenge
- Frank Beck, PhD, Faculty Director & Associate Professor of Sociology, Illinois State University
- Anthony Vega, MPP, Chief of Staff, Lake County Sheriff’s Office
Download: Cook_County_SJC_Strategies.pdf
Download: Lake_County_SJC_Presentation.pdf
Download: McLean_Jail_Reduction_Trends.pdf
Collaboration and Commitment: Findings from the SIU ARI Evaluation
- Daryl Kroner, PhD, Southern Illinois University
- Amanda Hayes, Probation Officer, DuPage County
- DaJuan Johnson, Probation Officer, Macon County
Download: Kroner_SIU_ARI_Presentation_May_2019.pdf
Keynote Address: The Role of Crime Survivors in Criminal Justice Reform
- Aswad Thomas, MSW, Chapter Development & Membership Director, Alliance for Safety & Justice
Download: ASJ_Illinois_Crime_survivors_FINAL_online.pdf
Probation Officers as Coaches
- Brian Lovins, PhD, Principal, Justice System Partners
Download: Referees_and_Coaches.pdf
Download: Probation_Officer_as_Coach_Article.pdf
Collateral Consequences and Criminal Records Relief
- Hon. Charles Burns, RAP Court Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County
- Kimberly Mills, Supervising Attorney, Criminal Records, Cabrini Green Legal Aid
- Emily Cole, Supervisor, Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office
- Danetta, a WRAP Court Graduate
Download: CGLA_Criminal_Records_Relief_Presentation.pdf
Instead of Prison: Enhancing Diversion and Community Resources to Reduce Violence
- Aswad Thomas, MSW, Chapter Dvpt. & Membership Dir., Alliance for Safety and Justice.
- Lindsey LaPointe, MSW, Senior Project Manager, Justice Reform, BPI
- Lisa Daniels, Founder, Darren B. Easterling Center for Restorative Practices; Illinois Prisoner Review Board
- Kathryn Bocanegra, LCSW, PhD Candidate, University of Chicago
Download: Instead_of_Prison.pdf
Restorative Justice and the Courts
- Nancy Michaels, MA, Restorative Justice Advocate, Trainer and Practitioner
- Keyria Rodgers, MA, PhD Candidate, Director, Criminal Justice Dept., Milliken University
Contingency Management and Phase Progression
- Michelle Cern, MPA, Principal Court Management Consultant, National Center for State Courts
Download: ARI_&_CJCC_Summit_Phases_and_Responses_to_Behavior_Final.pdf
Trauma and the Courtroom
- Mary Lee, MS, LSW, LCPC, SAMHSA Certified Trainer
- Hon. Janet Holmgren, Judge, 17th Circuit Court of Illinois
Download: How_To_Be_A_TraumaInformed_Problem-Solving_Court.pdf
Download: ACE_Questionnaire_Short.pdf
Download: Resiliency_Questionnaire.pdf
Download: Screening_Primary_Care_PTSD.pdf
Pre-Arrest Diversion/Deflection
- Jac Charlier, MPA, Executive Director, TASC’s Center for Health and Justice
- Jessica Reichert, MS, Manager, Center for Justice Research and Evaluation, Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
- Deputy Chief Michael Gaspari, Elk Grove Village Police Department
Download: Charlier_PTACC_ARI_Deflection_May_2019
Download: Reichert_ARI summit_Deflection_research
Download: Gaspari_2019_Adult_Redeploy_Summit.pdf
Coordination in Rural Jurisdictions
- Hon. George Timberlake, Retired Judge, Chair, Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission
- Hon. Elizabeth Robb, Retired Judge, Former Chair, Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
- Debbie Allen, MSW, Executive Adviser to the Mayor, City of St. Louis
- Mary Ratliff, MA, Program Director, Family Violence Coordinating Council, Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Download: CoordinationinRural Jurisdictions_ARI_CJCC_Summit_2019.pdf
Additional Readings
On Illinois' Criminal Justice System
The impact of employment restriction laws on Illinois’ convicted felons
The Intersection of Homelessness and the Criminal Justice System
Focused Deterrence: A Policing Strategy to Combat Gun Violence
Addressing Opioid Use Disorders in Community Corrections: A Survey of Illinois Probation Departments
Mental Health Disorders and the Criminal Justice System: A Continuum of Evidence-Informed Practices
On Victimization
The Victim-Offender Overlap: Examining the Relationship Between Victimization and Offending
Victimization and Help-Seeking Experiences of LGBTQ+ Individuals